Integrated, innovative and effective solutions for the O&G exploration and production operations

Houston, Bogota, Caracas 2024

Our value proposition

Maximizing operational efficiency is crucial for oil and gas companies to optimize production, reduce costs, and improve overall performance.

IGS is an engineering company whose main strength is that it offers its services directly supported by a wide and innovative portfolio of geoscience techniques, that guarantee accuracy, precision and efficiencies defining the location of wells, establishing drilling targets, optimizing production, and managing the hydrocarbon produced.  

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts"

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Get the most out from your assets

Service portfolio 

IGS offers a wide and complete portfolio of engineering services tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of the oil and gas industry in today's rapidly evolving energy landscape. 

The application of our highly specialized techniques and methods in an integrated fashion, allows us to offer cutting-edge solutions that facilitates speed of response, precision and quality of results.

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Our experience


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Management and talent 

IGS main value is its people, which characterizes for their strong service minded, sense of responsibility, honesty, solidarity, ethics, loyalty and identification with the company and its clients.

Commitment, identity, sense of ownership, high academic level, experience and capacity, which give us competitive advantages, values that also characterize our business strategic allies, that together with our technical habilites let us to take on high specialize challenges.

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Integrated geosciences and engineering services 

1915 Canyon Crest Dr. Sugar Land, TX 77479-8951 Houston Texas, USA

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